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Donation Total: €20,00

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Bitcoin cash
  • Litecoin
  • Cardano
  • Zcash
Scan to Donate Bitcoin to 3PY9Jfe7B76UNtvekg8qVQzMuvcw3sA3xL

Donate Bitcoin to this address

Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Bitcoin

Scan to Donate Ethereum to 0xCf9875B11E378559f40aA78C61001f1111850dF8

Donate Ethereum to this address

Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Ethereum

Scan to Donate Bitcoin cash to qzjc00qre55e2pe8xahq85a9907kxt22pqq6q0ztm9

Donate Bitcoin cash to this address

Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Bitcoin cash

Scan to Donate Litecoin to MTLsCdErnXPjmSbHFXmGW4YmTh3VhAnebh

Donate Litecoin to this address

Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Litecoin

Scan to Donate Cardano to Ae2tdPwUPEZ3WuBkv8W5x5Sshi9uMDTUM5uZE8aeCP2VzuGLhGyAywcGr18

Donate Cardano to this address

Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Cardano

Scan to Donate Zcash to t1S1LhRwb1BYjNUoE19tKguEptCYDBo6GNK

Donate Zcash to this address

Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Zcash